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Fact Sheets

More Children in Multigenerational Families Benefit from Social Security

Download the PDF. The findings in this fact sheet are based on “Overlooked But Not Forgotten: Social Security Lifts Millions More Children Out of Poverty.” As the American family changes, Social Security helps more children Social Security is typically considered a retirement plan for the elderly. However, many Americans are unaware that Social Security is […]

By |August 30th, 2016

The Hidden Beneficiaries of Social Security

Download PDF. The findings in this fact sheet are based on “Overlooked But Not Forgotten: Social Security Lifts Millions More Children Out of Poverty.” Social Security impacts more children than previously realized Social Security’s role in lifting millions of seniors out of poverty has been widely documented. However, it is also one of the federal […]

By |August 19th, 2016

Expanding Social Security: A Strategy to Strengthen Retirement Security for Vulnerable Populations and Future Generations

By Leah Smith Download PDF Social Security is a federal program of social insurance that helps protect and support American workers and their families by providing income benefits when a worker has retired, died, or become disabled. In 2014, beneficiaries included 42 million retirees and their dependents, 6 million survivors of deceased workers, and 11 […]

By |January 22nd, 2016

African American Retirement Insecurity

Download the PDF. Infographic. by Elvis Guzman and Madhulika Vulimiri African American retirees have significantly less wealth and lower incomes than White retirees. Eighty-three percent of African American seniors lack the retirement assets they need to last the remainder of their lifetimes.1 Additionally, more than two-thirds of African Americans are liquid-asset poor, meaning that their […]

By |August 28th, 2015

Why Raising the Retirement Age Would Hurt African Americans

Download the PDF. Infographic. by Elvis Guzman and Nakia Gladden Social Security is an essential social insurance program that provides economic security for U.S. workers and their families in retirement, in case of disability or death of a breadwinner. The program protects families from falling into poverty, and is especially important to vulnerable families that […]

By |July 24th, 2015

The Wealth Gap for Women of Color

Download the PDF. Infographic. Wealth—what we own minus what we owe—provides a stable foundation for economic security, allowing families to recover in times of crisis and work towards greater economic mobility. As more women have joined the workforce—creating both dual- and single-income earning households—the labor market has made little progress in eliminating gender and race-based […]

By |October 30th, 2014

The Racial Wealth Gap: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

  Download the Fact Sheet [PDF] The growing racial and ethnic wealth gap occurring in the United States is crippling communities of color, including Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) families. This gap is a result of systemic and social barriers that keep people of color from achieving and enjoying economic success. This fact sheet […]

By |April 30th, 2014

The Racial Wealth Gap: Latinos

  Download the Fact Sheet [PDF] The growing racial wealth gap occurring in the United States is crippling communities of color, especially Latino families. This gap is a result of systemic and social barriers that keep people of color from achieving and enjoying economic success. This fact sheet highlights racial disparities in some fundamental economic […]

By |April 21st, 2014

The Racial Wealth Gap: African Americans

  Download the Fact Sheet [PDF] The growing racial wealth gap occurring in the United States is crippling communities of color, especially African American families. This gap is a result of systemic and social barriers that keep people of color from achieving and enjoying economic success. This fact sheet highlights racial disparities in some fundamental […]

By |April 21st, 2014

Building an Inclusive Economy: How the Better Off Budget Helps People of Color

The racial wealth gap experienced by communities of color represents one of the starkest points of economic inequality in the United States. When more people live in poverty with few or negative assets, our families, communities, democratic institutions, and economy are at risk.

By |April 3rd, 2014